V2X:Enabler of Connected Autonomous Driving

NExT Forum:B5G/6G新世代之新型態通訊

【講者】Jianping Wang Professor Department of Computer Science City University of Hong Kong

【講題】V2X:Enabler of Connected Autonomous Driving

【摘要】The dawn of autonomous driving is coming with the stepped-up efforts on hardware and software from academia and industry. A fully autonomous driving system is made possible by not only the technology advancement on a single autonomous vehicle, but also V2X. The various types of communication enabled by V2X can help individual autonomous vehicles overcome their inherent vulnerabilities. In this talk, we will first present the inherent vulnerabilities of a single autonomous vehicle considering hardware, software, environment, and adversarial attacks. We then discuss how V2X can help resolve or mitigate such vulnerabilities. To this end, the performance requirements and techniques to achieve the desirable performance of V2X will be discussed.

【詳細議程】 https://forum.hh-ri.com/20220606/
協辦單位:IEEE Vehicular Technology Society Taipei Chapter、新北市政府、香港城市大學、財團法人人工智慧科技基金會、財團法人三創育成基金會
