從5G到B5G,想像6G世界的關鍵議題 – MediaTek 6G Vision: Simplexity, Optimization, Convergence

NExT Forum:B5G/6G新世代之新型態通訊

【講者】黃合淇 聯發科技通信系統設計事業部 總經理

【講題】從5G到B5G,想像6G世界的關鍵議題 – MediaTek 6G Vision: Simplexity, Optimization, Convergence

【摘要】MediaTek has actively contributed its technology to 4G/5G standardization since 2010 and established its influence on mobile cellular technology evolution. This presentation will share the latest vision by MediaTek regarding to B5G/6G technology trends and potential standardization timeline. It will also introduce the proposed 6G system design principle: simplicity, optimization and convergence and identify the required technology components to enable 6G.

【詳細議程】 https://forum.hh-ri.com/20220606/
協辦單位:IEEE Vehicular Technology Society Taipei Chapter、新北市政府、香港城市大學、財團法人人工智慧科技基金會、財團法人三創育成基金會只顯示部分資訊
