Large Language Models: What They Have Done And Will Do

NExT Forum:多模態基礎模型

【講者】 古倫維研究員 | 中央研究院資訊科學研究所 Dr. Lun-Wei Ku, Research Fellow, Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan

【講題】Large Language Models: What They Have Done and Will Do

【摘要】 The surprising performance of ChatGPT has caught the attention of the public. We are expecting the coming of even more large language models and how they will change our technology, industry and life. In this talk, I will introduce several large language models and what they are for. Then we will discuss their importance and why the industry need them. I will also briefly introduce two ideas we are currently working on with the large language model. At last, the future expectation of the multi-model large language model will conclude this talk.


主辦單位:鴻海研究院 協辦單位:財團法人人工智慧科技基金會、國立臺灣大學人工智慧技術暨全幅健康照護聯合研究中心
