Taiwanese Dream to Space

NExT Forum:B5G/6G新世代之新型態通訊

【講者】吳宗信 國家太空中心 主任

【講題】Taiwanese Dream to Space

【摘要】October 4, 1957 The Soviet Union launched the world’s first satellite, Sputnik-1, ushering in the space age of mankind. As the main adversary of the Cold War, the United States, within four months of the Soviet Union’s launch of the satellite, also successfully launched the Explorer-1 satellite Since the space field has a unique “time” and “space” environment that is not available on the Earth, the space programs that countries initiated because of the Cold War did not terminate with the end of the Cold War. On the contrary, with the advancement of space technology, more and more countries have invested in space programs. Until 2021, more than 93 countries in the world have owned its satellites. For an emerging space country to develop “proficient” space technology and even establish a space industry, it needs to go through three stages. The first stage is the technology acquisition, the second stage is the technology absorption, and the last stage is the technology innovation. Taiwan, as an emerging space country, is actually following the above-mentioned stages and is gradually moving towards the establishment of Taiwan’s space industry. This report mainly introduces the past, present and future of Taiwan’s space development, including infrastructure, technological development, and legal system. We believe that with the joint efforts of industry, government, academia and research units, Taiwanese space dream will be gradually realized.

【詳細議程】 https://forum.hh-ri.com/20220606/
協辦單位:IEEE Vehicular Technology Society Taipei Chapter、新北市政府、香港城市大學、財團法人人工智慧科技基金會、財團法人三創育成基金會
